
Positive Egoist Project

The Positive Egoist project is addressed to women who want to find a way to mature wisdom and beauty, regardless of age, profession, views, bank account balance, number of children and partners, figure or hair color." , the wealth of good instincts, creative power and age-old wisdom. She is a wild woman, symbolizing the instinctive nature of women. She is endangered, because although we receive the gifts of wild nature at birth, society tries to "civilize" us and force us into rigid roles that choke a deep, life-giving message of our souls. " C. P Estes. Positive Egoist is a fulfilled woman who knows what she wants, knows her worth, feels good " in her own skin ". soulful, sensual, loyal and financially stable. She is aware of what she does not want, what annoys her and throws her out of the natural rhythm of life. If you want to learn how to become such a woman, take part in our event. 1. Who are you, what are your needs as a human / woman 2. You will find out what archetype of femininity dominates in you and what impact it has on your life, 3. What is the role of the subconscious, how our thoughts affect our well-being and emotional state? 4. How do we communicate? Is it worth being assertive? 5. How to use your own potential 6. What is your role in society (who I am and who I would like to be) 7. How to set a goal and pursue it? Book promotion " Wake up in wearing a lioness ", published by the world organization of entrepreneurial women International Global Woman. During the workshop, we will use various exercises and tests that will allow participants to look inside themselves and realize how they should direct their lives to achieve maturity, wisdom and beauty while remaining fantastic mothers, partners and businesswomen. The meeting will give the opportunity to exchange experiences and thoughts. The main goal of the project is to make women aware that they are the creators of their own lives and the lives of their surroundings, that each of them has an amazing potential to create and give beauty, but it all depends on the individual circumstances in which they find themselves. Tickets at a promotional price of PLN 200 until the end of September, available at or directly from the organizers, contact tel. Poland +48 724245052 ; Great Britain +44 7930182577, fb @acedukacja. From October 10, tickets at the normal price of PLN 250. The ticket price includes participation in the workshops, materials, coffee break and lunch in a restaurant.
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