When going to another city, no matter if on a business or private basis, we are looking for a hotel that will meet all our expectations. This is helped by the Booking.com website, with which many facilities offering accommodation, including in Rzeszów, cooperate. Booking Rzeszów is a place where you can also find the Falcon Hotel's offer. You can check whether it meets your expectations by reading guest reviews, checking the hotel's facilities, as well as viewing numerous photos of it on the website. The best hotel, meaning what? For some, the location of the hotel will be the most important, for others its arrangement. Many hotel guests cannot imagine not getting breakfast at the hotel or having lunch with a client, others expect the facility to be disabled-friendly or child-friendly. There are many requirements. All of them are described on the Booking.com subpages relating to a given hotel. This way you can find accommodation in cities around the world. Convenient service makes traveling easier, which is why many people use it. It provides detailed information, along with the possibility to see the room that is being booked. This way, everyone can find the right accommodation, whatever their requirements. Falcon Hotel on Booking Rzeszów Our hotel on Booking Rzeszów is rated 9.2 on a 10-point scale, confirming the high standard of our services. The Falcon Hotel offers comfortable rooms in Rzeszów, with modern furnishings. You can book accommodation with breakfast, the rooms have balconies overlooking the city or the garden, each of them also has its own bathroom. Our hotel is also positively assessed in terms of comfortable beds, great coffee, a rich menu of the hotel restaurant, which also includes vegetarian and gluten-free dishes. Many guests come back to us, and the convenient location of Falcon makes them visit attractions on the map of Rzeszów - also listed on Booking for tips on what to see. Welcome to Falcon! Room reservations in Rzeszów can be made with us both through the Booking service and directly from our website. We invite you! We are happy to provide you with any information about your stay and any amenities that we have prepared for our guests. We are waiting for you at the Falcon Hotel!